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Exclusive Performance: Ashley Wineland Sings National Anthem and Previews New Single at AMA Monster Energy Supercross

Ashley Wineland

Between Me & You, I wish you could have been with me for every second of this unforgettable weekend at Round 4 of Supercross!

January 27, 2024, was an eventful and jam-packed day! Walking into the Angels Stadium in Anaheim, California immediately filled me with a sense of awe and joy. The smell of race fuel, dirt, and adrenaline permeated every square inch of the grounds. While I've had the honor of performing the National Anthem at Supercross events before, this race was unique from any other!

Thanks to the amazing team at Feld Entertainment, this day became more than an anthem performance. During the opening ceremonies, I had the special pleasure of previewing my upcoming single release! Finally being able to talk, unfiltered, to the world about my new music for this year was a weight off my shoulders. The thrill of watching people react to the new song for the first time is one I won't forget.

If you ever wondered what it was like to walk through a day like that, I vlogged the whole experience on my Youtube channel! You can relive the weekend with me by watching the first video of this post. If you'd love to see the whole National Anthem performance as well, make sure to hit the video below!

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